Psalm 4 is jam packed with a description of the One who created you.

God listens and hears us when we call to Him. He desires to bring us relief in our distress. His mercy means that He stoops down to us in our inferiority (our low status or position) with kindness and favor to consider us and what we have to say. He is tender with compassion and wishes to grant us fairness. He has pity on us. I hear many people refer to pity in a negative light, such as, “pity party” or “I don’t want anyone’s pity.” But pity means to have empathy with a shared sorrow and compassion over our suffering and misfortunes. It is shared regret and disappointment over our pains in this world and life. Pity does not hold a negative connotation in God’s eyes. It means we are not alone in our suffering. So bare your heart to the Lord. He will meet you where you are better than ANY human ever could. He hears us and turns our shame into glory (honor, dignity and restored reputation). He views you with respect and esteem, as being worthy of self-respect. He desires you to have a sense of pride for and within yourself.
Pause and think for a moment….have you ever received this kind of love? Have you ever experienced such actions and motives from others when you were struggling? Have you ever been motivated and acted in such a way towards others during their struggles? Particularly, those whom you may view as inferior to yourself - of a more lowly position or status?
Allow God to extend his ear and kindness to you. He is present for you and able to handle anything you may have to say about what you are going through. Allow Him to be present for you in your time of need. Recognize His presence and the fact that you are not alone. He views you as worthy of relationship and longs to turn your shame into glory. He respects and esteems you and wants you to feel the same about yourself, as well as others.
Prayer for today:
Lord, give me a supernatural revelation of who you are and help me to understand how you view me. Help me to receive the truth of your word, especially when I feel overwhelmed with feelings and beliefs that I am not worthy or too inadequate to receive love from you or anyone else, including myself. Help me to recognize these are lies and not from you. Help me to recognize where they came from and begin to transform my mind into the likeness of how you think. Make me more like you, more capable of accepting your truth, of seeing your goodness and loving myself and others in such a way as you do. Show me
your heart Lord.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Scripture Reflection: